GET /users/{userId}
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string | Provide id of user which should be retrieved. If id is provided which authenticated user is not allowed to see, then 401 code will be returned. |
Code | Title | Description |
200 | Success | Returned if request was successful. |
400 | Bad Request | Returned if request was bad or any other error occured. |
401 | Unauthorized | Returned if request was not authorized (eg. due to bad API key). |
404 | Not Found | Returned if request could not be found. |
When using strongly typed programming languages, make sure that all properties from JSON are mapped to corresponding class fields. Otherwise, if a property is missing, it will be deleted during the POST request.
Response JSON example:
"id": "3d6bf9bf-f27a-46f4-bbe5-ab717999f5d5",
"validFrom": "2023-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"validTo": "2024-03-31T00:00:00+00:00",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "none",
"accountId": "cfdb8f2c-6b42-4c8a-9dd6-25878519dff5",
"gender": "male",
"mobilePhoneNumber": "+4366412345678",
"nationality": "AT",
"birthDate": "1985-2-1",
"availableLoginMethods": [
"roles": [
"role": "employee",
"organizations": [
"id": "d621f799-d190-40b6-8ee8-b3f38d5b1403",
"name": "Test Prod GmbH",
"relId": 2545326,
"validFrom": "2023-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"validTo": "2024-03-31T00:00:00+00:00"
"address": {
"id": "8d75c226-27e4-4542-9d7e-f5c6a92a1bf2",
"street": "Teststraße 123",
"city": "Graz",
"state": "Steiermark",
"postalCode": "12345",
"country": "AT",
"relId": 2545315
"exportIds": {
"exportId1": "123",
"exportId2": "456",
"exportId3": "789",
"hardwareTerminalChipId": "999"
"userEmployments": [
"id": "a94a5dfb-d5cb-4fb7-ba6c-1fc4c57b4edf",
"from": null,
"to": null,
"validFrom": null,
"validTo": null,
"paySchedules": [],
"basicData": {
"id": null,
"employmentStart": "2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00",
"employmentEnd": "2200-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"comment": "Test Comment",
"employeeId": "1",
"employmentId": 2,
"employmentRelationship": "employee",
"dismissReason": null,
"openVacationDays": null,
"outstandingHours": null
"insuranceInformation": {
"id": "328fb901-f317-4978-a4ed-ac277d5e3fc1",
"healthInsuranceCountry": "AT",
"healthInsuranceNumber": "1234121212",
"tariffGroup": "Tariff 123",
"typeOfHealthInsurance": null,
"healthInsuranceCompany": "Insurance Corp."
"employmentContract": {
"position": "Metallworker",
"employmentType": "full_time",
"weeklyHours": 40.0,
"probationPeriod": "2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00",
"periodOfNotice": "14 days"
"collectiveAgreement": {
"id": "b7661353-a4cb-478d-9ae6-52647394848b",
"collectiveAgreementId": 987,
"collectiveAgreementName": "EMG KV",
"usageGroup": "VW 123"
"publicProfile": {
"office": "Wien",
"department": "HR",
"costCenter": "123",
"workPhone": "0123456789"
"hrInformation": {
"id": "a0027d58-0473-43fd-8fb8-b66cdef64ff0",
"status": "active",
"superVisorUserId": "ff0c329d-d8f4-4658-ae39-9506bc900c14",
"hrContactUserId": "4c970f18-c5e9-4c81-a676-e28240bc4635"
"payrollInformation": {
"id": "3f40c01f-1207-4b43-9a36-4a66661a2a15",
"taxIdentificationNumber": "AT123",
"taxOfficeId": 9876,
"localAuthorityId": 1234,
"workplaceId": 5678,
"taxClass": null,
"wageTaxAllowance": 1200.0,
"maritalStatus": "married",
"denomination": "Test",
"childBenefit": 123.0,
"dependants": 2,
"childRelief": 500.0,
"severeDisability": false,
"disability": "Test",
"highestGraduation": "Matura",
"highestOccupation": "Test",
"buak": false,
"occasionallyEmployed": false,
"employmentBenefits": true,
"commuterAllowance": 123,
"subwayTax": true,
"municipalTax": true
"overtimeSettings": {
"id": "231b9d9e-fbde-47b7-90da-933758c05bef",
"showCompensationAccount": true,
"compensationMultiplier": 1.0,
"compensationCorrection": 25.0,
"onlyApprovedEntries": true,
"timeCompensationAmount": 10.0
"vacationSettings": {
"id": "231b9d9e-fbde-47b7-90da-933758c05bef",
"showVacationAccount": true,
"vacationYearStart": "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"workDaysInWeek": 5.0,
"vacationWeeksPerYear": 5.0,
"totalVacationDaysPerYear": 30.0,
"oldVacationDays": 3.0,
"correctionDays": -7.0,
"onlyApprovedDays": true,
"vacationCompensationAmount": null
"bankDetails": {
"id": "0d69aa08-7be1-4b5c-8d95-ff201e06bcad",
"paymentType": "bank_transfer",
"nameOfAccountHolder": "John Doe",
"iban": "AT1234567890",
"bicSwift": "BIC",
"bankName": "Bank Name"
"parentGroupRelId": 2545326,
"accountRelId": 2545331,
"historyDataId": "16c18ec8-4dca-47a3-be96-eb888a4aa84c"