CSV export file description formatted in BMD format.

Export File: CSV
Delimiter: Semicolumn
Headlines: No

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CSV Description:

Column # Name in German Allowed Format Length Format Description
payroll: month
Abrechnungsmonat0 – 122IntegerMonth of the exported payroll
=> 1 for January, 2 for February, 3 for March ... 12 for December
client: id
Mandanten ID1 – 9999996IntegerMatching "Export ID 1" from company settings
employee: id
Personalnummer1 – 9999996Integer"Employmee ID" from user employment settings
employee: sub_id
Unternummer0 – 9999996Integer"Employment ID" from user employment settings
wage_type: id
Lohnart ID0 – 6503Integer"Export ID 1" from wage type settings
wage_type: quantity
Menge0,00 – 99999,997DecimalCalculated wage type quantity
wage_type: value
Satz0,00 – 99999,997DecimalResult of wage type value with an before number => Example: 123 (no space between * and the number)
wage_type: amount
Betrag0,00 – 99999,997DecimalTotal amount
employee: cost_center
Kostenstelle ID0 – 9999999IntegerHardcoded number 0
client: cost_account
Kostenrechnung0 – 9999999IntegerBlank
wage_type: recalculation_month
Aufrollmonat0 – 122IntegerThis is also a month value like in column 1 but for recalculated items from previous months.
Example: Payroll month is May (Column 1 = 5) but in the export results we have some compensation and new items, which were recalculated for March. Then column 11 will be 3. If there is no recalculation and no items from previous month, column 11 will be blank.
reports: unproductive: id
Fehlzeit Export ID0 – 993IntegerCheck is done for the User and for the payroll month if there are approved unproductive time entries stored. If yes, results are written as an ID in columns 13.
Check "Unproductive Time Entry IDs" from this List.
reports: unproductive:
Fehlzeit vonYYYYMMDDDateStart date of the unproductive time entry.
Listed day by day and writen as start date. Example:
Employee has vacation from 02.05.2019 – 06.05.2019, then…
Column 13 = 301; Column 14 = 20190502
Column 13 = 301; Column 14 = 20190503
Column 13 = 301; Column 14 = 20190504
Column 13 = 301; Column 14 = 20190505
Column 13 = 301; Column 14 = 20190506

Important: Sorted by User (Column 3) AND by this date (Column 14) ascending.
Column 3 = 123; Column 14 = 20190506
Column 3 = 123; Column 14 = 20190509
Column 3 = 456; Column 14 = 20190507
Column 3 = 456; Column 14 = 20190508
reports: unproductive: end
Fehlzeit bisYYYYMMDDDateEnd date of the unproductive time entry.
Because each day is listed separately end date = start date. So Column 15 = Column 14.
This is true even for Overnight time entries.
reports: unproductive: days
Abwesenheitstage0 – 999999,998DecimalAmount of days from unproductive time entry.
In this column unproductive time entry hours are compared with the working time model.
WTM = 8hrs
Unproductive Time Entry = 4hrs
Column 16 = 4 / 8 = 0,5

If unproductive time entry type is “Unpaid Leave”, Column 13 = 101, then result is multiplied with -1.
Example for Column 13 = 101:
WTM = 12hrs
Unpaid Leave Time Entry = 7hrs
Column 16 = 7 / 12 * -1 = -0,58