GET /times/{timesId}

Request parameters

idstringProvide id of time entry which should be retrieved. If id is provided which authenticated user is not allowed to see, then 401 code will be returned.


200 SuccessReturned if request was successful.
400Bad RequestReturned if request was bad or any other error occured.
401UnauthorizedReturned if request was not authorized (eg. due to bad API key).
404Not FoundReturned if request could not be found.

Response JSON example:

    "items": [
            "message": "A report was found", 
            "data": {
                "id": "85561232-4ca4-4a0e-80d8-844be70aa0b3",
                "from": "2022-04-22T10:40:00+03:00",
                "to": "2022-04-22T18:40:00+03:00",
                "breaks": [
                        "id": "59876501-5c90-467e-a4d4-b86ad14a5dcb", 
                        "from": "2022-04-22T10:40:00+03:00", 
                        "to": "2022-04-22T18:40:00+03:00",
                        "automatic": false //true or false if autmatic breaks were saved through target times.
                "comment": "Test Comment",
                "type": "work",
                "organizationName": "Project ABC",
                "userName": "John Doe",
                "userId": "12341232-4ca4-4a0e-80d8-844be70aa0b3",
                "category": "productive", //category of timeType, possible responses "productive", "unproductive", "vacation", "sick", "paid_leave", "unpaid_leave"
                "approvalStatus": "approved", //approval status of time entry, possible responses "disapproved", "not_approved_yet", "under_approval", "approved", "exported"
                "creationType": "times" //possible responses "times", "clock", "wtm"  or "null". "times" will be returned if time entry was saved manually with from-to times. "clock" will be returned if time entry was clocked. "wtm" will be returned if time entry was saved automatically via the working time model. "null" will be returned if time entry was edited.
    "valid": true //true if successful, false if not