POST /users

Request parameters (without employments)

idstringIf provided existing user will be edited. If not provided a new user will be created.
accountIdstringProvide this id if existing user should be edited.
accountRelIdlongProvide this id if existing user should be edited.
parentGroupRelIdlongProvide this id if existing user should be edited.
historyDataIdstringProvide this id if existing user should be edited.
firstNamestringUsers first name.
lastNamestringUsers last name.
emailstringIf provided when adding new user, then an email invite for users confirmation will be sent to user. If provided when editing existing user, then email will be changed directly.
validFromdateDate from which the user can log in and use the application.
Provide date in ISO-8601 and UTC format with +00:00 time zone, eg. 2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
validTodateDate until user can log in and use the application. If this date is in past user will be treated as inactive.
Provide date in ISO-8601 and UTC format with +00:00 time zone, eg. 2022-12-31T23:59:59+00:00
genderstringPossible values:
"male", "female", "none"
mobilePhoneNumberstringIf provided then SMS notifications can be sent via the application.
nationalitystringIf desired, provide "country" from Country List.
birthDatedateIf desired, provide Users birth date in ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 1990-10-22
availableLoginMethodsarray [integer]Provide "0" if user is allowed to login in the web application only.
Provide "1" if user is allowed to login in the mobile applications only.
Provide "0" and "1" if user is allowed to login in web and mobile applications.
Provide "-1" if user is not allowed to login at all.
If no information is provided then "0" and "1" will be saved.
addressobjectIf desired an address can be saved.
relIDlongProvide this id if existing user should be edited.
idstringIf provided existing address will be edited. If not provided a new address will be created.
streetstringStreet of the address.
citystringCity of the address.
statestringState of the address.
postalCodestringPostal code (zip) of the address.
countrystringIf desired, provide "country" from Country List.
exportIdsobjectIf desired, up to three export id's can be used to match user with third party applications.
exportId1stringIf needed provide an export id.
exportId2stringIf needed provide an export id.
exportId3stringIf needed provide an export id.
hardwareTerminalChipIdstringProvide a chip id of users hardware terminal, if available.
rolesarray [object]Provide an array of roles where user should get the role assigned. If no array is provided then user will be assigned as "employee" role to the main organization (company).
rolestringPossible roles: "employee", "approver", "manager", "administrator", "main_administrator"
organizationsarray [object]Provide "id" where user will get the role assigned. Only one assignment at time is possible.
relIdlongProvide this id if existing user should be edited.
name (organizations)stringName of organization where user will get the role assigned.
id (organizations)stringMandatory fieled. Provide id of organization where user will get the role assigned.

Request parameters (describing only "userEmployments" object)

Add or Edit User Employments

userEmploymentsarray [object]If desired an array of user employment objects can be created during same POST call.
idstringIf provided existing user employment will be edited. If not provided a new user employment will be created.
basicData object
employmentStartdateDate of employment start. Provide in ISO-8601 and UTC format with +00:00 time zone, eg. 2022-01-15T00:00:00+00:00.
If not provided today's date will be saved.
employmentEnddateDate when employment ended. Provide in ISO-8601 and UTC format with +00:00 time zone, eg. 2022-01-31T23:59:59+00:00. "employmentStart" and "employmentEnd" dDates may not overlap with other existing employment dates.
commentstringComment attached to employment.
employeeIdstringEmployee's ID.
employmentIdintegerEmployee's employment ID.
employmentRelationshipstringPossible values: "worker", "employee", "managing_director", "apprentice_worker", "apprentice_employee", "official", "asylum_seekers", "civilian_servants", "retrainee_rehabilitants_worker", "retrainee_rehabilitants_employee", "minimum_security", "other_persons_without_health_insurance_protection"
dismissReasonstringPossible values:
"notice_from_employer", "notice_from_employee", "mutual_notice", "time_expired", "eligible_early_leave", "dismissal_without_notice", "maternity_leave_acc_mschg_1979_vkg", "military_service", "civilian_service", "tenure_track_leave", "longer_than_one_month_unpaid_vacation", "register_change", "death_of_the_employee", "change_in_sv", "military_exercise", "retirement", "end_of_free_contract_acc_par_4_abs_4_asvg", "supersession_of_tribunal_service", "interruption_of_tribunal_service", "dismissal_from_federal_care", "notice_from_employee_while_parental_leave_acc_mschg_1979_vkg", "ineligible_early_leave", "study_leave_acc_par_11_avrag", "early_leave_from_employee_acc_parr_25_io", "notice_acc_par_25_io_from_insolvency_administrator", "notice_acc_par_25_io_from_employer", "end_of_sv_employment_active", "end_in_trial_time_through_employer", "study_leave_acc_par_12_avrag", "end_in_trial_time_through_employee", "other_exit_reason", "mutual_notice_because_of_transfer_to_employer"
openVacationDaysdoubleEmployee's open vacation days after employment's end.
outstandingHoursdoubleEmployee's outstanding hours or overtimes after employment's end.
paySchedules array [object]Provide an object of pay schedule id's to which users employment will be assigned.
idstringID of pay schedule to which users employment will be assigned.
insuranceInformation object
healthInsuranceCountrystringEmployee's health insurance country.
If desired, provide "country" from Country List.
healthInsuranceNumberstringEmployee's health insurance number.
tariffGroupstringEmployee's tariff group.
typeOfHealthInsurancestringPossibile values:
"statutory", "private"
healthInsuranceCompanystringName of health insurance company.
positionstringEmployee's position.
employmentTypestringPossibile values:
"full_time", "part_time", "marginally", "daily", "independent_contractor", "apprenticeship", "intern", "parent", "inactive", "part_time_student", "other"
weeklyHoursdoubleEmployee's weekly working hours.
probationPerioddateEmployee's probation period. Provide in ISO-8601 and UTC format with +00:00 time zone, eg. 2022-02-15T00:00:00+00:00
periodOfNoticestringEmployee's period of notice.
collectiveAgreementobjectEmployee's collective agreement data, if applicable.
publicProfileobjectEmployee's public profile data, if applicable.
hrInformationobjectEmployee's HR information, if applicable.
statusstringPossible values:
"active", "inactive", "dormant"
superVisorUserIdstringUser ID of employee's supervisor.
hrContactUserIdstringUser ID of employee's HR contact person.
payrollInformationobjectEmployee's payroll information, if applicable.
Some country specific data may not be needed in certain countries.
taxClassintegerPossible values:
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"
maritalStatusstringPossible values:
"single", "married", "single_parent", "widowed"
dependantsintegerPossible values:
"0" for not applicable, "1" for one child, "2" for two children, "3" for three children, "4" for four children
severeDisabilitybooleanPossible values:
"true", "false"
buakbooleanPossible values:
"true", "false"
occasionallyEmployedbooleanPossible values:
"true", "false"
employmentBenefitsbooleanPossible values:
"true", "false"
subwayTaxbooleanPossible values:
"true", "false"
municipalTaxbooleanPossible values:
"true", "false"
overtimeSettingsobjectEmployee's overtime settings, if applicable.
showCompensationAccountbooleanPossible values:
"true", "false"
If true is selected, then the employee will be able to view their time compensation account in applikation, otherwise they will not.
compensationMultiplierdoubleAll overtimes (target time differences) are multiplied by this multiplier and displayed on the time compensation account. Negative values are allowed.
[required]if showCompensationAccount = true
compensationCorrectiondoubleNumber of hours to be transferred and added to the time compensation account. Negative values are allowed.
onlyApprovedEntriesbooleanPossible values:
"true", "false"
If true is selected, then only time entries that have been approved will be taken into account. If false is selected, then every time entry will be taken into account except rejected ones.
[required] if showCompensationAccount = true
vacationSettingsobjectEmployee's vacation settings, if applicable.
showVacationAccountbooleanPossible values:
"true", "false"
If true is selected, then the employee will be able to view their vacation account, otherwise they will not.
vacationYearStartdateProvide date in ISO-8601 and UTC format with +00:00 time zone, eg. 2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 at which a new vacation entitlement is calculated each year.
[required] if showVacationAccount = true
workDaysInWeekdoubleNumber of weekdays on which the employee works. For example, 5, if the employee works from Monday to Friday.
[required] if showVacationAccount = true
vacationWeeksPerYeardoubleNumber of vacation weeks per year.
[required] if showVacationAccount = true
totalVacationDaysPerYeardoubleVacation Entitlement In Weeks Per Year
workDaysInWeek * vacationWeeksPerYear if NULL value provided
oldVacationDaysdoubleSelect the number of vacation days to be transferred and added to the vacation account. Negative values are allowed.
correctionDaysdoubleAny number of days can be entered which will be added to the vacation account. Negative values are allowed.
onlyApprovedDaysbooleanPossible values:
"true", "false"
If true is selected, then only vacation days that have been approved will be taken into account. If false is selected, then every vacation entry will be taken into account except rejected ones.
[required] if showVacationAccount = true
bankDetailsEmployee's bank information details.
paymentTypestringPossible values: "cash", "credit", "bank_transfer"

Simple request JSON example
A user will be created if either an "email" is provided OR "firstName" OR "lastName".

  "email": "[email protected]"



If user "id" is sent in request, then existing user will be edited.
If in such a case the request JSON has NULL values (because some attributes are not sent at all), then all objects with NULL values will be removed.

When updating a user, then make sure that already saved data is sent in request again in order to avoid deleting this data.

Full request JSON example (with one employment):

	"id": "3d6bf9bf-f27a-46f4-bbe5-ab717999f5d5",
	"validFrom": "2023-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
	"validTo": "2024-03-31T00:00:00+00:00",
	"firstName": "John",
	"lastName": "Doe",
	"email": "none",
	"accountId": "cfdb8f2c-6b42-4c8a-9dd6-25878519dff5",
	"gender": "male",
	"mobilePhoneNumber": "+4366412345678",
	"nationality": "AT",
	"birthDate": "1985-2-1",
	"availableLoginMethods": [
	"roles": [
			"role": "employee",
			"organizations": [
					"id": "d621f799-d190-40b6-8ee8-b3f38d5b1403",
					"name": "Test Prod GmbH",
					"relId": 2545326,
					"validFrom": "2023-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
					"validTo": "2024-03-31T00:00:00+00:00"
	"address": {
		"id": "8d75c226-27e4-4542-9d7e-f5c6a92a1bf2",
		"street": "Teststraße 123",
		"city": "Graz",
		"state": "Steiermark",
		"postalCode": "12345",
		"country": "AT",
		"relId": 2545315
	"exportIds": {
		"exportId1": "123",
		"exportId2": "456",
		"exportId3": "789",
		"hardwareTerminalChipId": "999"
	"userEmployments": [
			"id": "a94a5dfb-d5cb-4fb7-ba6c-1fc4c57b4edf",
			"from": null,
			"to": null,
			"validFrom": null,
			"validTo": null,
			"paySchedules": [],
			"basicData": {
				"id": null,
				"employmentStart": "2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00",
				"employmentEnd": "2200-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
				"comment": "Test Comment",
				"employeeId": "1",
				"employmentId": 2,
				"employmentRelationship": "employee",
				"dismissReason": null,
				"openVacationDays": null,
				"outstandingHours": null
			"insuranceInformation": {
				"id": "328fb901-f317-4978-a4ed-ac277d5e3fc1",
				"healthInsuranceCountry": "AT",
				"healthInsuranceNumber": "1234121212",
				"tariffGroup": "Tariff 123",
				"typeOfHealthInsurance": null,
				"healthInsuranceCompany": "Insurance Corp."
			"employmentContract": {
				"position": "Metallworker",
				"employmentType": "full_time",
				"weeklyHours": 40.0,
				"probationPeriod": "2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00",
				"periodOfNotice": "14 days"
			"collectiveAgreement": {
				"id": "b7661353-a4cb-478d-9ae6-52647394848b",
				"collectiveAgreementId": 987,
				"collectiveAgreementName": "EMG KV",
				"usageGroup": "VW 123"
			"publicProfile": {
				"office": "Wien",
				"department": "HR",
				"costCenter": "123",
				"workPhone": "0123456789"
			"hrInformation": {
				"id": "a0027d58-0473-43fd-8fb8-b66cdef64ff0",
				"status": "active",
				"superVisorUserId": "ff0c329d-d8f4-4658-ae39-9506bc900c14",
				"hrContactUserId": "4c970f18-c5e9-4c81-a676-e28240bc4635"
			"payrollInformation": {
				"id": "3f40c01f-1207-4b43-9a36-4a66661a2a15",
				"taxIdentificationNumber": "AT123",
				"taxOfficeId": 9876,
				"localAuthorityId": 1234,
				"workplaceId": 5678,
				"taxClass": null,
				"wageTaxAllowance": 1200.0,
				"maritalStatus": "married",
				"denomination": "Test",
				"childBenefit": 123.0,
				"dependants": 2,
				"childRelief": 500.0,
				"severeDisability": false,
				"disability": "Test",
				"highestGraduation": "Matura",
				"highestOccupation": "Test",
				"buak": false,
				"occasionallyEmployed": false,
				"employmentBenefits": true,
				"commuterAllowance": 123,
				"subwayTax": true,
				"municipalTax": true
			"overtimeSettings": {
				"id": "231b9d9e-fbde-47b7-90da-933758c05bef",
				"showCompensationAccount": true,
				"compensationMultiplier": 1.0,
				"compensationCorrection": 25.0,
				"onlyApprovedEntries": true,
				"timeCompensationAmount": 10.0
			"vacationSettings": {
				"id": "231b9d9e-fbde-47b7-90da-933758c05bef",
				"showVacationAccount": true,
				"vacationYearStart": "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
				"workDaysInWeek": 5.0,
				"vacationWeeksPerYear": 5.0,
				"totalVacationDaysPerYear": 30.0,
				"oldVacationDays": 3.0,
				"correctionDays": -7.0,
				"onlyApprovedDays": true,
				"vacationCompensationAmount": null
			"bankDetails": {
				"id": "0d69aa08-7be1-4b5c-8d95-ff201e06bcad",
				"paymentType": "bank_transfer",
				"nameOfAccountHolder": "John Doe",
				"iban": "AT1234567890",
				"bicSwift": "BIC",
				"bankName": "Bank Name"
	"parentGroupRelId": 2545326,
	"accountRelId": 2545331,
	"historyDataId": "16c18ec8-4dca-47a3-be96-eb888a4aa84c"


200SuccessReturned if request was successful.
400Bad RequestReturned if request was bad.
401UnauthorizedReturned if request was not authorized (eg. due to bad API key).
404Not FoundReturned if request could not be found.

Response JSON example:

    "items": [
            "message": "Success",
            "data": {
    			"id": "123abc45-39c5-436f-a70b-d3a14db753c6",
    			"firstName": "John",
   				"lastName": "Doe",
				"email": "[email protected]",
    			"mobilePhoneNumber": "+43123123"
    "valid": true